Monthly Archives: December 2018


Why Mindfulness?

Mindfulness means living with awareness in the present moment. Sound simple? I can truthfully say that mindfulness is the hardest skill I have ever practiced, but the MOST essential for me. It has reduced my anxiety and fear and changed my approach to life. Mindfulness skills are specific behaviors we practice which help us be Mindful. [...]

How your home might be making you sick

by guest writer, Brad Krause Your home is your sanctuary, the place where you retreat to at the end of a long day. Unfortunately, there are several factors that can contribute to an unhealthy home -- and some of them you may not even be aware of. While some of these may not be dangerous, [...]

By | 2018-12-01T22:51:19-07:00 December 1st, 2018|Anxiety Treatment, General, Mindfulness|0 Comments

Love; a difficult word?

Quite often in our meditation group we discuss the nature of love; how it manifests in our lives and relationships, how it is seen spiritually, and how society defines the various qualities of this complex word. Love, defined as “Feelings of strong affection” (Wikipedia) help us play out the evolutionary actions which connect us as [...]